Hyperdontia And Oral Health: Know The Connection!

By Gentle Touch Dentistry Richardson

Hyperdontia is a rare condition in children in which they get extra teeth. Most children have 20 primary teeth (deciduous teeth) by the time they are 30 months old, while adults have 32 permanent teeth by the time they are 17 years old. Permanent teeth slowly take the place of baby teeth as a child grows. Some children have “supernumerary teeth” in their upper or lower jaws. These can be permanent or main, depending on when they get them.

Hyperdontia is a problem that happens when a child grows up, and it happens to 3.8% of children. The rate is twice as high for boys as it is for girls. Read on to learn about the causes, types, and effects of hyperdontia in kids.

Signs That A Child Has Hyperdontia

The main sign is an extra tooth or teeth growing next to a primary or permanent tooth. Your child might even be upset about having an extra tooth. A doctor can tell what kind of extra tooth or teeth someone has by looking at where they are and what they look like.

Causes of Hyperdontia in Children

It is not clear what causes hyperdontia. But the condition has been linked to things like genes, family history, and an overactive dental lamina, which is the part that starts tooth formation.

Cleidocranial Dysplasia

Cleidocranial dysplasia is a genetic disorder that affects how bones and teeth grow and form. People with cleidocranial dysplasia often get extra teeth and keep their baby teeth.

Cleft Lip And Palate

A cleft lip and palate is a congenital disability when a baby’s upper lip or palate (the roof of the mouth) doesn’t form right in the womb. This makes a hole in the upper lip and usually leads to hyperdontia.

Gardner Syndrome 

Gardner syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes many colorectal polyps and tumors (benign and malignant). This disease can make you more likely to get extra teeth and have other dental problems.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of genetic disorders that affect the connective tissues that support blood vessels, skin, bones, and other organs. This condition can lead to loose joints and other conditions that can be life-threatening. One of the many signs of the state is problems with the teeth.

Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder in which a person has an extra copy of chromosome 21. This syndrome is marked by unique facial features, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and congenital disabilities, such as the chance of having hyperdontia.

Fabry-Anderson Syndrome

Fabry-Anderson syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes a specific type of fat to build up in the body’s cells. It can lead to some signs and symptoms, such as overgrown teeth, pain in the hands and feet, dark red spots on the skin, hearing loss, and less sweating.

Problems that can come up with hyperdontia in children Here are 6 ways hyperdontia in children can affect oral health:: 

Can Hamper Permanent Teeth Eruption

The extra tooth, or supernumerary tooth, gets in the way of the permanent tooth coming in.

Rotation or Displacement

A supernumerary tooth may cause a permanent tooth to move or turn.


When extra teeth grow in, they push against each other, which can look bad or make it hard to chew.


These extra teeth may also leave a space between them (usually in the front teeth of the upper jaw).

Development Of An Odontogenic Cyst

Extra teeth can lead to cysts or tumors in the jaw. Root resorption of neighboring (adjacent) teeth: Although rare, supernumerary teeth can cause root resorption of neighboring teeth, which means that the roots of those teeth break down and fall out.

Eruption In The Nasal Cavity

Sometimes, the extra tooth will come out in the nasal cavity, which will look like a white mass.

Treatment of hyperdontia can be an essential part of your child’s oral health. You can visit a nearby Richardson dentist for the best hyperdontia-related treatment nearby.

1. When Does Hyperdontia Start To Happen?

Children as young as three have been diagnosed with hyperdontia.

2. Is Hyperdontia A Painful Condition?

Hyperdontia may or may not cause pain. But problems with it, like an infection in the mouth, can cause pain.

3. Does Hyperdontia Go Away?

Hyperdontia will get better on its own. Dentists usually recommend surgery to fix dental problems. Hyperdontia is not something that often happens in children. It could make it hard to talk, chew, and look good. Most of the time, your child’s dentist will find out what’s wrong during a regular checkup. A physical exam can help a dentist determine if a person has extra teeth. There may be a family history of the disease. See a dentist as soon as possible if you have a tooth that constantly pinches your tongue or cheeks. Most of the time, tooth extraction is the best treatment.

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