Yes! You Can Whiten Your Teeth If You Have Bonding!

By Gentle Touch Dentistry Richardson

Aesthetic dentistry has introduced an array of teeth-whitening treatments over the years – from teeth-whitening gels to porcelain veneers. Teeth whitening can be particularly challenging for teeth that have undergone cosmetic dental procedures such as teeth bonding. Bonding is a popular cosmetic dental procedure used to repair teeth that are chipped, cracked, discolored, or misshapen. But can teeth whitening still be done if teeth have been bonded? The answer is yes!

Teeth Whitening Options for Teeth with Bonding

Bonding teeth involves the application of a special resin to the teeth and then curing it with a special light. It’s not very expensive and doesn’t take much time, but although this procedure may improve the appearance of teeth, it won’t make them as white as they were before being damaged. Luckily, teeth whitening options are available for those who have had their teeth bonded. These teeth whitening options include teeth whitening gels, laser teeth whitening, and professional teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening Gels

Teeth whitening gels are special teeth-bleaching solutions applied directly to the teeth. They usually contain a hydrogen peroxide solution which helps to break down stain molecules and brighten teeth. Teeth whitening gels can be used on teeth with bonding as long as they don’t contain abrasives or other harsh ingredients that could damage the bond. Speaking with your dentist before using any teeth whitening gel at home is best.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening is another teeth whitening option for teeth with bonding. This procedure involves using a special laser light to activate a bleaching agent and break down stain molecules. The results are usually instant, and it’s one of the most effective teeth whitening procedures. However, it is also one of the more expensive options and should be done by a qualified cosmetic dentist.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is another teeth whitening option for teeth with bonding. It involves using specially formulated teeth whitening trays containing a bleaching agent. These trays are worn over the teeth for up to two hours at a time and can help brighten teeth significantly in just one or two treatments. Professional teeth whitening is a safe and effective teeth whitening option for teeth with bonding.

Tips and Tricks on How to Get the Best Results from Bonding

Bonding can be a great way to improve the appearance of teeth, but it’s important to remember that it will not make teeth as white as they were before being damaged. Here are some tips and tricks on how to get the best results from the bonding process:

Clean Teeth Thoroughly Beforehand

Before undergoing any cosmetic dental procedure, including teeth bonding, it’s essential to ensure teeth are clean. It means brushing and flossing at least twice a day. Additionally, teeth should be flossed and brushed with a teeth whitening toothpaste to help remove any surface stains that may be present.

Follow Post-Procedure Instructions

After teeth bonding, it’s essential to follow all post-procedure instructions given by your dentist. These instructions usually include avoiding certain foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, and red wine, to protect the bond from staining. They’ll also likely recommend that patients avoid teeth grinding or clenching and use mouthguards if necessary.

Avoid DIY Teeth Whitening Solutions

It’s best to avoid using DIY teeth whitening solutions on teeth with bonding, as these can cause damage to the teeth and make it difficult for the bond to adhere correctly. If teeth whitening is desired, it’s best to opt for professional teeth whitening options or teeth whitening gels specifically formulated for teeth with bonding.


1. Can You Whiten Teeth With Bonding?

Yes! Teeth whitening options such as teeth whitening gels, laser teeth whitening, and professional teeth whitening are all available for teeth with bonding. It’s essential to speak with your dentist before undergoing any teeth whitening procedure to ensure it won’t damage the bond.

2. Will Teeth Bonded Look As White As Natural Teeth?

No, teeth bonded will not be as white as natural teeth because the composite resin used for bonding doesn’t respond the same way to whitening products as enamel does. However, teeth whitening options can still help brighten and improve teeth’ appearance with bonding.

3. Is Professional Teeth Whitening Better Than DIY Options?

Yes, professional teeth whitening is generally considered superior to DIY solutions when it comesilable for those who have had their teeth bonded. Speaking with a dentist before beginning any teeth whitening routine is essential to ensure that the most suitable option has been chosen.

The Final Thought

Teeth bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that can help improve teeth’ appearance, but it won’t make teeth as white as they were before being damaged. Fortunately, teeth whitening options are available for those who have had their teeth bonded. Following post-procedure instructions, avoiding DIY teeth whitening solutions, and speaking with a dentist about professional teeth whitening can help to ensure the best results from teeth whitening when used on teeth with bonding.

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