Types of Bad Breath and Their Causes

By Gentle Touch Dentistry Richardson

If you are conscious about making an instant impression on the people you are facing, then you cannot avoid healthy teeth. Usually, people pay attention to their facial beauty and make every possible effort to look attractive. However, very few of them care about paying attention to their teeth and that is where they fail to make the complete impression.

Medically termed as Halitosis, bad breath is a common problem that people face. It is directly related to poor or bad oral or food habits. Usually, people do not spend adequate time for cleaning their teeth and taking care of their mouth. That often leads to odor in the mouth and the ultimate outcome is seen in the form of bad breath and other oral problems.

There are multiple types of bad breath that occur due to improper care of the teeth. Following are the prominent types of bad breath that may cause you anxiety at any point in time, if you are not careful about your oral care:

  • Tonsil breath
  • Drug-induced bad breath
  • Lung breath
  • Gut breath
  • Sinus breath
  • Diabetes breath
  • Drug breath
  • Liver breath

Basically, improper care for the teeth is the most important cause for bad breath.

Let’s face it!

When you eat, some particles of the food get stuck inside the teeth cavities. You can remove them completely by brushing your teeth after every meal, especially the dinner. If you miss this, the food particles decay at their place and your problems related to bad breath start right there. Decaying of the leftover food particles can even give birth to the germs. This not only causes bad breath, but it leads to various dental issues. At times, these issues become very troublesome. As a part of the treatment, you often run in the risk of losing your teeth.

Getting rid of the bad breath is not difficult if you are serious about enjoying healthy oral conditions. You can always be very sensitive as well as alert to notice the symptoms of bad breath. Schedule an appointment with a dentist in Richardson to get rid of bad breath.

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