Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Get Invisalign®

By Gentle Touch Dentistry Richardson

Invislaign® is a kind of a clear aligner that is used in orthodontics- a field of dentistry associated with straightening and aligning teeth. It is an innovation in dentistry and has been readily adopted by orthodontic patients around the world for several reasons. It is currently treating over 2.5 million orthodontic patients worldwide.

So what is it that prompts patients to get Invislaign® over traditional dental braces. To answer that, we take a look at the 5 main reasons why people prefer Invislaign®:

1. No hassle inside the mouth

Invislaign® is smooth and light and unlike traditional dental braces, they do not have braces and wires. This makes Invislaign® comfortable to wear and feels perfectly smooth inside the mouth. While there may be some difficulties getting adjusted to it initially, it will go away with time. Needless to say, they cannot cause any oral injury!

2. Treatment that doesn’t feel like one!

Invislaign® treatment is so smooth that you get the treatment that you need but never feel like it! Invislaign®is removable and that is why you can take them off whenever you want to, although doctors recommend you wearing them for at least 12 hours a day.

You can take them off while you eat, brush and floss, and put them back on. No matter what you eat, it’s not going to affect your Invislaign®, which brings us to the next reason to get Invislaign® treatment.

3. No diet restrictions 

Okay, maybe just a few restrictions, but that, too, depends on your orthodontist. Some do suggest a few restrictions, like barring you from having certain acidic foods, while most pose no restrictions at all! The official website of Invislaign® says that you can indeed have anything you want to!

4. No one notices!

This is actually the main benefit that comes to mind when people come to know about Invislaign®. The flaws that orthodontic braces bring to your smile are intolerable! So why not replace them with Invislaign®? Smile as wide as you want to and no one would see brackets and wires on your teeth. Just a pure, white smile!

5. Monitored progress

With Invislaign® treatment, you get to know exactly how your teeth would progress in alignment from the very start. This is because the treatment is computerized and yields you results that you anticipate! This keeps you less impatient throughout the orthodontic treatment and more motivated.

Now that you know the reasons why you should get Invislaign® treatment, what’s holding you back? Just get a dental consultation near you and get set! If you’re in Richardson TX, visit the best orthodontist near you open today and get the best quality Invislaign® treatment!