By Gentle Touch Dentistry Richardson
Everyone wants to have a smile that wins the heart of other people and helps them to create a successful first impression. Have you ever thought about what are the factors which make a smile beautiful? They are – symmetry, good oral health and the pearly white colour of your teeth. Now several lifestyle choices and habits of yours can lead to stains on teeth. This in turn both literally and metaphorically acts as spots on your teeth lessening down their beauty and also creates a dent on your self confidence. Now, one of the most viable ways of getting rid of such stains is teeth whitening. Being in the field of modern dentistry for a notable span of time, we have often come across questions related to the cost of teeth whitening. Keeping all such things in mind, Gentle Touch Dentistry has come up with this blog comprising all the information related to this topic. We believe that lack of knowledge leads to creation of confusion. Therefore, if you have any query about teeth whitening and its cost, go through this blog to find a suitable answer.
The very first thing that should be brought under your notice is – the cost of teeth whitening directly depends on the method you choose to get the job done. It can be done at home or at a professional dental clinic. The cost of getting your teeth whitened by a professional is more if compared to you doing it at home.
You can remove the stains from your teeth at home with the use of teeth whitening strips. But before choosing this way out, you are advisable to gain an idea about the effect of whitening strips on your teeth. These are over-the-counter strips which are available in most of the drugstores nearby. The cost of these whitening strips is around $20 to $40 perfoc and each box contains enough strips to treat your teeth for a week or more. You can draw a clear inference from the preceding sentences that using whitening strips is the cheapest way to attain a desired smile. It is not as effective if compared with professional teeth whitening. Another way of attaining milky white teeth includes buying over-the-counter trays that you fill with a whitening solution and place over your teeth. Selecting this method of whitening will cost you around $100.
We are providing you with some other domestic ways of teeth whitening in the pointers below:
- Oil pulling
- Using baking soda to brush your teeth
- Intake of more vegetables and fruits
- Adopting various preventative measures to avoid stains on your teeth
- Using hydrogen peroxide.
Always remember that all the domestic methods of teeth whitening only yield results after a particular span of time. Therefore, do not give up hope due to lack of patience.
We are now gonna discuss professional teeth whitening and its cost. But before doing so, you should be aware of one fact which states that teeth whitening is a safe and secure process if performed in the presence of a trained professional. The minimum amount of money to be spent in order to get your teeth whitened at a nice dental clinic starts from $650 and can go upto $1000. The variation in the price charged generally happens due to the different kinds of products used and the amount taken by the dentist. To know about it in detail, you should contact a clinic which offers professional teeth whitening service and consult the dentist there. He/she will also let you know about the benefits of teeth whitening. All the information will help you shed all hesitations and enable you to take the correct decision. Just so you have an idea about the difference in effectiveness between domestic methods and professional teeth whitening, the whitening strips that are available at the store contain 10% hydrogen peroxide. Whereas the ones used by the bleaching agents can contain between 25 and 40 percent hydrogen peroxide. Now the choice is up to you. Just remember that not all cheap ways out yield great results.
We feel that when it comes to teeth whitening, you should also know about the cost of maintaining your teeth once the process is done. None of the methods mentioned above are permanent and demand constant care. Not having the food and drinks that have the potential to leave stains on your teeth definitely increases the time span and extends the results.
If you are looking for a dental clinic to undergo professional teeth whitening in or around Richardson, TX, contact Gentle Touch Dentistry today. We offer several other top-notch dental services as well to fulfill your requirements.